Sunday, December 20, 2009

Screw Awards

So there it was. Another day in college. Another Day where i d learnt little from whatever was taught formally in class, why coz i could teach those bozzos my profs. a lot more than they could teach me! (any subject you name it. You could call me a egotistical (fill in swear words of your choice), but that was the truth. Of course Exceptions were there) and a lot from observing whatever was going around with my class mates and in the campus in general.

Note: RKM was always a special place, irrespective of what was taught there it was during my time there that i d learnt the most about a lot of things. Such a collection of such good people(attribute it either to the name of the college or divine grace or whatever)&(no sarcasm)

But this day was a bit different (obviously i aint going to write about an ordinary day!). It was different due to the fact that an oratorical competition was going on. It was a rapid fire contest or something wherein you d be given a topic on the spot and you would have to talk about it for 60 seconds. Normally i do not enter into competitions .My Reason: Because i always felt that i did n have any competition (swear words again).Truth: I am damn lazy to do most things. See even a post would take about a fortnight for me!

But the General topic was what inspired me that day to enter into the competition. - The Life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. I did n have a clue as to what he had taught or what his life had been,so this was my chance to talk on something that i barely knew and find out how i fare against those who did actually know (i think) Note:I v always felt sad for not knowing much about him or reading many of his books. Whatever few i v read have indeed left a deep impression in my thoughts) . I wanted to prove how Awards did not mean anything to me or to anyone in general. What are awards anyway, some bozzos or a group of bozzos decide based on their "judgement" who deserves the award based on whatever criteria they feel is right - Sorry people who do no know me, i do not have time for your judgements on me. I know what i am. I know how good i am and it is enough that i know. Anyone else who senses i m good, let him, i m not asking anything from him. Well, i entered the competition.

About 50 of us in the prelims, after several rounds guess who was there in the final three - of course yours truly. P.S. I knew not a single thing to say on the seven odd topics given to me till then. In the finals i was given this topic - The Swami's talk in the Religion Conference in Chicago. Yay!!! i did know something on his life and teachings after all and what luck it happened to the topic for my final round. I was in first. I did speak clearly, confidently and most importantly, i actually knew that what i spoke were facts. The guy who came in second was a supposed to be a rock star when it came to oration. His collection included three state awards in various competition conducted by the University. He did give his speech. What a wuss i thought.. "Seriously this guy three state awards!! Then i must be going in for one of these national seminars, I d surely win gold!! So all three of us were done. (I really don't remember who the third guy was - irrelevant anyway).

Time for the announcement of the winner. Guess who!! I ll give you a clue - not me. Had i dozed off or something after that guy's speech or is this reality. Even the third guy had done better. Anyways i started reasoning out why he was announced winner ahead of me? I finally narrowed it down courtesy a moment of clarity - "Oh, this guy is the Language Teach's pet. If he doesn't get the award his ego would be f@@@ed up. You got to keep your champ rollin now shouldn't you? Who the f@@@ cares about a novice, who thought he d randomly show up for one competition. Let us take note of this guy, if he regularly participates, then we ll think about it - Seemed perfectly logical.". Well, ego still intact, i calmly got my second prize all 29 showing, ah another pose for the cameras, i would atleast get to know whether my weight training had paid off! One good out of all this evil!

The competition being over, i was pondering as usual on what I would cover for my Exams (not college exams, Were they exams by the way, 12th was tougher)that were fast approaching. As i got up from my seat on the conclusion of all the sucking up to the chief guest and all other judge bozzos, i was stopped by about 20 other participants. "We think you should have got 1st place. You were way better.". I thanked them for the gesture. More importantly I was not the only one who thought he d sucked. (Most of them there did, including most of the judges as i later found out,)


1.This post had one purpose in mind (no not involving in Self Praise, or being a hoot) but more importantly, why awards if given should be given keeping in mind its true objective - recognition of something good that has already been done and to encourage the fellar to keep the good work up. Whatever considerations it may be based on - it surely cannot have potential over performance, or a consideration that there be an already selected winner - the second guy in the above incident.

2. I recollect reading a post on similar lines when Barack Obama had won the nobel peace prize - Yes here it is - (Click). Now i m not comparing myself or the other guy with Obama, i m just quoting another incident which i think is relevant here.

3. Most dont give a damn about facts. As the movie Chicago goes "It is enough if you Razzle Dazzle them (put up a grand convincing show that is)"

4. I take this opportunity to appeal to everyone why you should not judge others. If at all you decide to do so, do so without any prejudice.

5. Talking about prejudice, it is also important for everyone to remember that prejudice is a silent killer of reason. So shed all prejudices and you ll find the world a much better place seeing it clearer with reason.

6. I haven't entered into another oratorical competition since, nor do i plan to.

7. I too was a punk in college, just in a little different manner.

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Tale of Three Love

So i m back.. after a brief hiatus.. with a new display name, profile shot and more.

This was an article i wrote for THE HINDU - NxG, in the meantime. I really don't know why i wrote it. Guess it was a spot of the moment thing. Guess i was bored after looking at or into books for such a long time at a stretch. An article for most parts inspired by those i v met here.So thought i d publish it. So here s the content.

While you read the article, i want you to keep two things in mind - 1) It had to be short 2)No names in public domain.

And another clarification, the three or wait the two persons i v mentioned in the main body of the article, are people i know in real life, people i v known for quite a long time now.. So with this in mind do read on and let me know..

A Tale of Three Love

“Oh boy, not another guy, talking about love” – This is the reaction I expect from the reader on seeing the title, why?, because I would myself react in the same fashion. But I can assure all those who go on to read the article without prejudice to the title, that this will be an unorthodox one and interestingly so. So go on what are you waiting for?

Love Version Alpha – This love was borne out my search for a meaningful existence. Do you ever get the feeling that you should be of some significance to this world however insignificant life may be. Well my “this love” was borne out of that desire – To be that “∆” that change to status Quo. This love is for academics and intelligence, with which I strive to make a difference to this world.

Love Version Beta – Oh boy, how can I put this love in words. Have you ever heard of the phrase love at first sight. Well this love of mine was at first contact. A Few people get to say that they love their bosses. Well this boss of mine is my principal at my student training. Before I met this guy, I never thought I could learn from a fellow human, but now after about a year of knowing him, I would say that I have changed, to such an extent that even a close friend who knew me so well a year back would drop his jaws on meeting me now saying “Is this you?”. This love is special since it is borne out of respect, and a deep feeling of admiration.

Love Version Gamma – I v heard the clause “love is blind” being said in atleast a thousand different occasions, and each time I would go – “How Lame!” But I now realize that, it is in fact true. This love is the conventional love that society talks about – yes, but special none the less. Why do is say this love is blind – may be because I see no reason for its origin. This love is just for the sake of it. And believe me when I say this, it is just one of those things that makes this world a better place.

So have I kept my word when I said this would be unconventional? I hope so. My regards are due to three other persons – (1) My Dad and mom, who have been such an inspiration for me right through all my tough times, first regards due to them always and (2) A blogger with the alias “Tangled up in Blue” who first showed me that you could express love publicly and yet be discreet and subtle (and also to another called Ketan, who served as an intro) (3) And Three of course you, nXg, for giving people this wonderful platform to write."

And for those of who you who want a link (CLICK).

More about these three love in future posts.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My recent favourite video

Catch this cool song - The theme song of LP for Tr-2 from the official website.

(Hope there is no copyright violation)


Monday, August 24, 2009

The paradox

He had finally found it out. What he was to do was very clear to him now. No more confusions. The door had opened. His mind was freed. He was then led past a door wrought of Iron, the banner on which was written "Prison".

Monday, July 27, 2009

Page 120

There is was reading Pg: 120 of The Fountainhead. 23 hours and 25 minutes from that time, i cannot come out of it. I do not have the courage to proceed further, at least not now.

24 Hours onward, I picked up the courage to read further. Though i knew that i d be consumed by the book, and couldn't do any other work, i still went forward. Now i stand in Page 185.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Graveyard missive

Dear Friend, we swore a friendship for life.

I wish you the best in the life after,

As I write this missive,

From a Tomb that declares,

"Here lies buried a Man's honour"

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Moment of Eternity

Today, I rode out, thought clouding my head as the clouds did the heavens. As I rode, I raised my head to find myself Flying, towards the heavens (at the other end of which of the was the Marina) - the breeze to my face, the dark sky greeting me, applauding with beats of thunder and beaming with streaks of lightning as i ascended ever so close to it. At that moment of time lay an eternity, an ecstasy greater than love and Nirvana among many others..............

1) The above post explains my view on top of the Flyover on R.K.Road, as i rode out to meet my dearest friend for lunch. This was also a Prequel to a post that i have put of indefinitely, a post to which i would not be doing justice to if i do not take the adequate time developing it.
2) Jai you are very good at (he)art. I wrote this post with you in mind - a writer's description of a work of art. Can you actually create a sketch of this for me.
3) Don't worry though.. We'll copyright the sketch, as i surely know that it ll be amazing.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Cosmic take on life.

I am at a stage in life where everything and anything makes very little sense to me. The purpose of all human actions seem misguided, purposeless, like small steps in the endless of expanse of wasteland.

Consider this..

Stephen Hawking in an public address once said (and i do not quote,i just am writing what i vaguely recollect of that address) that the existance of life is an overrated phenomenon. That there is life on earth stands testimonial and is added proof to this statement. The existance of life nothing more than an anomaly in the endless expanse of space-time. Considering this there need not be necessarily a purpose to the existance of the human species.. (you or i)

I for most parts concur on his above views -

What do the deeds of men mean? What purpose do they serve, considering that, if creation was an anomaly, destruction is also more than just a possibility.

What does it all mean when all of what has been done, 5000 years of human evolution, is destoyed by a single stroke from the dark expanse of space, or by the natural death of our solar system, our universe?? What else will remain.. absolutely nothing....

So tell me all those of you who care to read this post - What will your efforts be worth after armageddon? Where all that is left is the darkness of space..

Anyone who gives a fitting answer will save a poor human from an endless stretch of demotivation, and purposeless meanderings...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

When the skies opened up

They had planned to go out that day. At seven that day, they were going to get together the first time after college. They had met several times before but it was never planned though. It was an ordinary evening just like any other. Nothing was out of place. Solozzo Plato and Tommy Rego had started from work in the former's bike at 6:30. A Long breezy travel, it was. Tommy was in his full range of emotions that day, popping at every instance he could. Anyone else would have mistaken him for a lunatic that day, but Solozzo, fully knowing what Tommy had been through lately, could fully well understand his emotional state. Heracles the third of the four caught up with them on the way and they managed to reach the place on time. With Mr Gunther, informing that he would be late, the three waited, wiling time away, each narrating how his love life had been in the past. Heracles had the ultimate story that day. He had just finished narrating how he had rejected a woman, and was feeling all sorts of emotions right from superiority, pity, guilt, and even lust.

Gunther finally arrived and they all had the dinner at the place. Whilst their moods changed from worse to gentle and then to delight, as they caught up with whatever they had missed in the others life in the last couple of years, the weather outside had done the opposite. It started to pour all of a sudden without any preemption. There they passed away their time eating, at delicacies which were not alien to them, but delicious none the less. They also discussed on what each of them had in store for the future.

They finished their meet, each taking photographs of the other in the balcony of the first floor, the mind however flashed away even faster, as it sensed that this would turn out to be a crucial moment in each persons life. The weather was also relentless, as more rain kept pouring. It was during one of these flashes, came nature's first flash of the night, a flash more intense than any light that could be produced by humans. Yes it was lightning. And was it beautiful. The plain eye would suggest that there was only one colour there. There was white light of the lightning, and there was also the absence of light, the pitch dark sky. But that white light amidst the clouds, seemed to provide thought a myriad of colours each lasting less than an instant.It seemed as though at that moment that the heavens had marshaled all its armies and had set out for a battle against an enemy unknown, the thunder providing the battle drums. Such was the spectacle that beheld them that night. They were frozen for the next ten minutes held a mere spectator to the awesomeness that was nature, the all powerful. After all what can humans do when nature decides to display its magnificance, it power, nonchalantly reminding the human his place in the ultimate design.

It was then an agreement was reached. They all agreed. (The contents of which cannot be divulged now but at a later point in time.). It was nothing formal, but great efforts of humans start anything but formal. They start on a strong feeling of comradry, togetherness, and on a common outlook. And on that day they all shared a common outlook and that was enough.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What I Realised on a Saturday

These are a few things which i realised this saturday -

1. You should never underestimate your own potential.
2. You can face adversity but whether you come through it or not , depends on your will
3. Only you can put a cap on what you can do, no one else can stop you, or limit you.
4. Be passionate and give it your all ... whatever you do whenever you do... But decide what you are going to do wisely... Constantly introspect as to whether your actions meet your goals, your desires, your wishes, else make such choices that will lead to their convergence...But never question yourself after you have put yourself in a course of irrevocable transit after making a choice..
5. The Lakers Rule (especially kobe) & F.R.I.E.N.D.S are forever (esp the guys), U2 rock ..
6. I think i v got it all figured out (finally)
7. I am also so forgetful that i ll forget all of the above if i don't write them down,, (something like nolan in momento or surya of gajini). I should really not forget that i should'nt forget the above..
8. What else was i thinking ..

Saturday, June 6, 2009

the mystic station

Early in the morning a man walks pondering the day ahead, into a staircase leading him to a train station. As he finishes climbing the staircase he sees a women, in her early twenties he guesses, white and frail.. too frail he thinks.. As he proceeds, he takes a left and down he proceeds another set of steps, towards the platform wherein arrives his train. "Like clockwork" he muses. He boards his train deep in ponder on what the day ahead holds in store for him.. such a lot to be done and so little time... But he has to do it, coz that is why he is taking such a long journey, so hard, so tedious.. He had resolved, then that moment that he was going to make it happen that day, bending things as his will suggests. But he also knew that moment that it was going to be tough. It will take a toll on his body, mind and all his faculties.. but he also had to believe that whatever strength of will he had, would get him through it, get him through the day...

It was late in the night, as the man proceeded back,worn out, blank in mind, barely paying attention to what was happening around him. But he noticed, a women walking across him, in her early twenties he guesses, white and frail... too frail he thinks.. He proceeds further, to an awaiting case of stairs.. that lead him out of the platform and then after a short while it was a descent down another set of steps, to the road that lead him home, to where it all started...

One hard day, containing a lifetime....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Friendship confined to memories.... A Prologue

He was short while i was tall, he was white while i was brown, he was thin while i was rotund, he used to talk a lot i was the quite one.. But rarely could anyone tell us apart..

Rarely you could see us separated. At times many used to doubt, whether there was one person less in the class. Hand in hand, shoulder in shoulder, that is how we were. You could wonder how we could have become friends, But he was my comrade, my brother, my ally and my soulmate...

Keeping these differences aside, we had one thing in common, that was the love for each other. Me, him and AR (You ll get to know about him in another post) formed a gang of sorts.. a gang that was united by Math and seldom divided. Yes mathematics was our craze then.. we used to do all sorts of stuff with this subject that we loved in common. We would always try to defeat the another in solving the problem that was put forward to us, in deciphering another theorom that was thought and in acquiring new techniques to outwit and amaze the other.. But i have to admit, the other two were particularly good, even better than me i suppose. But none was our match, our equal.

It was the first day in class four, There i was sitting flabbergasted by the loss of my best friend Rumesh who has shifted his school and Sounder who wanted to do some more time in class three (mind you he was good in academics!!! He just didn't like growing up so fast) and by the shuffling of students that had been carried out, (- after which i d made up my mind that i d never have friends again..), when i saw these two little boys, (the other was rizwan and he was even bigger than i was, so u technically speaking cannot call little) seated in a row immediate to mine, go on rambling (for what i thought was eternity). Instead of feeling a great sense of irritation, i felt a sense rather of jealousy, a sense of deep sorrow, for me and rumesh would use to ramble in such a manner without a sense of time or thought.

That eternity seemed to end when our class teacher for that year, Sundari Mam came to our class. And boy did the class go mum on seeing her. She had the countenance of a tiger facing its greatest nemesis in battle (Boy was she strict!!!). Not even milliseconds had passed and she had begun damaging her reputation by shuffling around the students in class. (Every one swore with their eyes in such a manner that if she was n protected by that invisible forcefield, she would v been burnt to ashes!!). (She was however replaced by Jaya mam in the fag end of fourth class as Sundari mam was down with illness or something- may be fire had finally managed to penetrate that forcefield...). And as it turned out, i was seated near Rizwan, (i dunno, may be the teacher was trying to arrange the students in alphabetical order or something...) and the other radiohead (They went on talking like they do in radio)... (Oh god, why are u cornering me out for torture.. first rumesh was gone and now this, i actually thought that i would turn out to be deaf before the day was done!!!).They actually did manage to stop talking till the class teacher had left.. then it began all over again. I think it was till Lunch that this went on non stop, (no body was actually listening to the first class being introduction and all..) then suddenly the flury of words came to a sudden end. They had gotten up to take up their lunch bags (They used to be neatly arranged in the corner of the class, and what a pretty side it was all those tiny baskets of all shapes neatly arranged with each boy's and girl's name written in the small label glued to it...). Now after almost three hours had passed they noticed that there was this sad boy sitting near them, (They had started to take note of everything else in the class only then..) and the huge Rizwan with his rustic voice rumbled "Hey, aren't you goin to have your lunch?". At first i thought that the ramble was going to start again (I had a neck pain from hanging my head down in sorrow for all that time.. and I wasn't looking at him). This time it was the other voice saying it "Hey man we better leave hime alone, he seems quite depressed".

The rest of the day was quite a blur.. (May be my neck pain had gotten the better of my memory). It was a blur till it was end of the day prayer session again (The first day was usually very short!!). And boy you would look up and find a class with each boy and girl shining brighter than the sun. We packed our bags and got up for the prayer. End of prayer and everyone rushed to form part of the queue for the descent into the parent corridor. I was at the back of the queue with the other radiohead and Rizwan in front of me.. We descended the steps and finally the buzz of the radioheads stopped. Rizwan had rushed to the parent corridor, (his parent was already present there). I was left waiting in the corridor with the others also waiting. Then i heard the voice i had part began to dislike speaking to me. "Hey, why have you been so sad all day?". I looked up to find it was the other radiohead. At first i felt a great bout of shyness and resistance flooding my senses, but a greater bout of instinct overtook them.. "It s nothing, i am just put off by the shuffle.". "Oh, I see do not worry though.. we ll be friends from now on.. I am Sriram". "Hi Sriram, i am prabhu and you can call me by what my friend used to call me, saru". "Sure, Saru". He then gave a expresion which at first i mistook for a weird gesture that tribals used to do to scare animals off. Then on closer look i found that he had smiled. (I later went on to love the smile for the whole heartedness of it..). "Hey Saru, my sister has come da, see you tomorrow" he said without taking that smile off his face. That moment still stands as a picture in the galleries of my memory, because that was the moment that gave me one of my best friends, eqaulled only rumesh...

The next two years were spent in absolute bliss, the bliss of friendship. I till today cannot the times where we used to be at each other's place every weekend without fail, to play cricket and do all sorts of stuff. I still remember the fun times where your Father would drop me off at the nearby street after we had played our hearts out... and how we used to spend times in class chatting about all sorts of stuff (mainly math though, for we shared a common passion for it).. How we used to fight for the top rank in class... (He or nive (another good friend) would always come first and first in math.. I used to come second or third, very rarely first..) How i used to miss u in language class ( I had taken sanskrit and you hindi).. (the memories are so many that i have to devote a seperate blog and would still not be able to cover the entire two years in it..)

These were the days we spent in school together free from all the troubles of the world in our own world of fantasy where none but us were allowed to tread..

But then all good things have to come to an end....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

An Eternal Thought....

This is what was conveyed to me by the eyes of a great barn owl which shone brighter then the white knight of the dark sky at the backdrop, whilst it was perched on the leafless branch ....

"Tis in the darkest night that the light shines the brightest and tis in the brightest day that the shadows falls the darkest. From the highest place does one fall farthest, and from the deepest pit is the great ascent. Passionate shall you be, for in passion lies hope and in hope lies effort, effort which yields the elixir, the elixir of happiness, and tis this happiness which shall lead you to the heavens.."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In Relativity lies the secret..

Recently a great friend and mentor gave me a new perspective of life....

I swore when i started posting that i would not dwell on any philosophy.. i have already been boring a lot of people around me with that

But a lot has been happening around me recently.. a lot of whining going on that i had to come up with this one... hope it reaches its destination....

The relativity....
All those who think what happens at home or at workplace or society in general is sheer hell..

Then what do you say about those who are not given an opportunity of redeeming themselves from the hell they have been borne into... the constant grind of slavery, of torture, of terror, of exploitation... where you are not allowed to let yourself imagine a better tomorrow, than what it was today.. where you are not given a choice to let yourself to the world in all its splendor and beauty.. where you wake up everyday only to be someone else's meal.... where you are fed up of so many injuries that you would rather take a walk down the plank and descend to hell and oblivion rather than take another second of this life.. where u have lost the will to stand up for yourself, where your mind is forever fortified by a wall of paranoia and has lost the gift of imagination or choice .....

If you are in such hell, then complain.. because in every other situation you have the right and privilege of choice. The choice to be happy, to pursue your happiness..

Do you still think that you are worse off?? Kind of funny na... Every man thinks he is the most unlucky person in the world, doomed to suffer..
you are that way only because you think so.. do you not have it within you to break the shackles and flood your worries with sheer effort..

Have humans become so weak in thought have they do not have the audacity to go ahead and do what they want? Do not let yourself be that weakling who has the choice yet will not stand up for his own self.. for his own happiness..

Is your brain so washed up or are you so mediocre that you would rather do what society says than what YOU want to do. Get yourself out a there and put yourself in the track where you are doing what you want to do.. If you do not have the guts to do this please do not whine... do not complain... do not swear... at others .. look rather within yourself and judge.. you would either be happy the next day or would have rid this world of another complaint, another excuse for a human being...

Friday, May 1, 2009

The revelations of a fallen fool....

Love, though art the brood of the purity, the hope, the divine,
The solemn for those who seek, the solitude for the troubled mind.

You love are the medicine for the hurt, the dawn for those asleep
The amnesty for those who sin, the hope for those defeat ..

But love, are you also the fickle, the pain, the leech?
Art thou the promiscous, art love's gain is what love preach,?

Cause love, when u leave, left behind are the dark, the null, the void,
Oh dawn, are you the one to bring light to a world of light devoid?,
Why then oh bright one did u fail to light me up.. and leave me paranoid?

The above are the revelations of a fallen fool.... as observed in the manuscripts of yore and witnessed by endless time...

Oh fool, may thou rest in peace

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A First Kiss that never was

Never thought that I was open enough to write a blog, but nonetheless I have tried my hand at it… hope this post will serve a good starter for one of my passions – putting into words my thoughts, for the sake of the whole wide world….

My First Kiss that never was

“T was another humid night. My eyelids were engaged in a fierce contest with my eyes, the former trying to get the slightest of peeks into a book I had been reading for sometime then, the latter trying to usher in the bliss of solitude….

T was another dull evening, I thought. I was eagerly waiting for something to happen, or someone to come by… but who or what was it that I waited for was not very clear to me. In the far end of the bendy road there came treading softly on the concrete pavement of the street, a beautiful woman. I did not recognize her at first sight.. but as she came closer .. it became clear as to who she was… She was the throb of my heart, and she walked to where I had stood. As she stopped near me, she looked into my eyes and I was paralyzed. My mind wanted to stare away but my eyes wouldn’t. I realized then that I was under a spell, the spell of love….

T was deep in the night, and the new moon was so full and beautiful that even the most beautiful queen would look at her and feel timid… I was seated beside my heart–throb, and we rode on in a bus I suppose, not knowing where the path led us.

“Why do you worry my love… it had been long now that we have planned to elope… why now a discerning countenance???”

“Nay my lady… it is not for the future I am worried, for I know that a future with you would be naught but happiness… but it is for the past that I long.. for my kin for the beautiful house… and for the flush green meadows, and for my kind friends who would do anything for me and will play with me without cognizance of time or thought…… ah these will surely be missed by me…”

“Will I not miss my past dear??? But against the promise that a future with you it fades in pale comparison…..”

She looked into my eyes. For a moment I felt as though I was under a spell, and that was the last thing I remembered till I woke up in a small room, looked like a bedroom. There was no one there but for me. I got up from the bed in haste, as I realized that I was alone in there. Just as I could realize the chill seeping up my nerves, I felt a hand running through my back. It was her again. I knew then I had no control over myself, for my mind wanted to move but my body wouldn’t … She brought her lips close to mine and they stood like two rose–petals just waiting for the wind to bring them together…

It happened then. For the first time I tasted her lips… and they were sweet… Those lips seemed to have a life of their own then, independent, not paying their masters heed to part with the other… for one moment in time they looked as though they were only one set of lips there in that bed.. only one person… but that moment was eternity

Wham!! That was the next sound that I heard. But before I could realize what was happening a shrill sensation (I am not able to realise exactly what it is) began to flood my head. (‘What the ####?’) It was a king size dumbbell (I used to exercise then) standing by my side, and I appeared as though it was standing tall, grinning, after completing the greatest purpose of its existence.. I turned to see who it was that threw the dumbbell but before I could turn my head… Wham!! again (‘Bloody …#@$@#^^& …’). I thought I was going to loose my consciousness … but the inner strength in me kept my mind awake propelling it with sheer rage, and at last I managed to hear these words (and I recognized it was my mum saying those words) “Bloody lazy idiot, how long have I been trying to wake you up!!!!!..”,

Now it pained… not because I was just bombarded by two king-size dumbbells but because I just realized that the kiss I just had… my first kiss........ was a kiss that actually never was


That was the thing that went through my head before I had lost my consciousness, again…

But here was a good buddy of my badly heart ego saying “don worry dude, this time may be something more!!!!” “

Here ends the narrative of a friend of mine…….. Madly in love ……….. do not worry though, he was perfectly in his senses when he had gotten up… 16 years of taking countless blows in his head has to count for something right? Now he is just like any other person… he may be even writing his own blog right now………….