Sunday, December 20, 2009

Screw Awards

So there it was. Another day in college. Another Day where i d learnt little from whatever was taught formally in class, why coz i could teach those bozzos my profs. a lot more than they could teach me! (any subject you name it. You could call me a egotistical (fill in swear words of your choice), but that was the truth. Of course Exceptions were there) and a lot from observing whatever was going around with my class mates and in the campus in general.

Note: RKM was always a special place, irrespective of what was taught there it was during my time there that i d learnt the most about a lot of things. Such a collection of such good people(attribute it either to the name of the college or divine grace or whatever)&(no sarcasm)

But this day was a bit different (obviously i aint going to write about an ordinary day!). It was different due to the fact that an oratorical competition was going on. It was a rapid fire contest or something wherein you d be given a topic on the spot and you would have to talk about it for 60 seconds. Normally i do not enter into competitions .My Reason: Because i always felt that i did n have any competition (swear words again).Truth: I am damn lazy to do most things. See even a post would take about a fortnight for me!

But the General topic was what inspired me that day to enter into the competition. - The Life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. I did n have a clue as to what he had taught or what his life had been,so this was my chance to talk on something that i barely knew and find out how i fare against those who did actually know (i think) Note:I v always felt sad for not knowing much about him or reading many of his books. Whatever few i v read have indeed left a deep impression in my thoughts) . I wanted to prove how Awards did not mean anything to me or to anyone in general. What are awards anyway, some bozzos or a group of bozzos decide based on their "judgement" who deserves the award based on whatever criteria they feel is right - Sorry people who do no know me, i do not have time for your judgements on me. I know what i am. I know how good i am and it is enough that i know. Anyone else who senses i m good, let him, i m not asking anything from him. Well, i entered the competition.

About 50 of us in the prelims, after several rounds guess who was there in the final three - of course yours truly. P.S. I knew not a single thing to say on the seven odd topics given to me till then. In the finals i was given this topic - The Swami's talk in the Religion Conference in Chicago. Yay!!! i did know something on his life and teachings after all and what luck it happened to the topic for my final round. I was in first. I did speak clearly, confidently and most importantly, i actually knew that what i spoke were facts. The guy who came in second was a supposed to be a rock star when it came to oration. His collection included three state awards in various competition conducted by the University. He did give his speech. What a wuss i thought.. "Seriously this guy three state awards!! Then i must be going in for one of these national seminars, I d surely win gold!! So all three of us were done. (I really don't remember who the third guy was - irrelevant anyway).

Time for the announcement of the winner. Guess who!! I ll give you a clue - not me. Had i dozed off or something after that guy's speech or is this reality. Even the third guy had done better. Anyways i started reasoning out why he was announced winner ahead of me? I finally narrowed it down courtesy a moment of clarity - "Oh, this guy is the Language Teach's pet. If he doesn't get the award his ego would be f@@@ed up. You got to keep your champ rollin now shouldn't you? Who the f@@@ cares about a novice, who thought he d randomly show up for one competition. Let us take note of this guy, if he regularly participates, then we ll think about it - Seemed perfectly logical.". Well, ego still intact, i calmly got my second prize all 29 showing, ah another pose for the cameras, i would atleast get to know whether my weight training had paid off! One good out of all this evil!

The competition being over, i was pondering as usual on what I would cover for my Exams (not college exams, Were they exams by the way, 12th was tougher)that were fast approaching. As i got up from my seat on the conclusion of all the sucking up to the chief guest and all other judge bozzos, i was stopped by about 20 other participants. "We think you should have got 1st place. You were way better.". I thanked them for the gesture. More importantly I was not the only one who thought he d sucked. (Most of them there did, including most of the judges as i later found out,)


1.This post had one purpose in mind (no not involving in Self Praise, or being a hoot) but more importantly, why awards if given should be given keeping in mind its true objective - recognition of something good that has already been done and to encourage the fellar to keep the good work up. Whatever considerations it may be based on - it surely cannot have potential over performance, or a consideration that there be an already selected winner - the second guy in the above incident.

2. I recollect reading a post on similar lines when Barack Obama had won the nobel peace prize - Yes here it is - (Click). Now i m not comparing myself or the other guy with Obama, i m just quoting another incident which i think is relevant here.

3. Most dont give a damn about facts. As the movie Chicago goes "It is enough if you Razzle Dazzle them (put up a grand convincing show that is)"

4. I take this opportunity to appeal to everyone why you should not judge others. If at all you decide to do so, do so without any prejudice.

5. Talking about prejudice, it is also important for everyone to remember that prejudice is a silent killer of reason. So shed all prejudices and you ll find the world a much better place seeing it clearer with reason.

6. I haven't entered into another oratorical competition since, nor do i plan to.

7. I too was a punk in college, just in a little different manner.