Friday, February 18, 2011

A Simple Question and Answer

Q: Is Man the full controller of the path of his life, or is the path pre destined?

1. In my opinion, the answer to this question is only subjective. Is man s destiny predecided. No, not if we mean each of his actions are laid out in a plan. I do not believe that.

2. Then, Is man in full control of his path? No not completely. First of all we are the human species. Our mental and physical faculties have limits. We are evolving mentally and as physically, but still we are born into an uncontrolled stage of evolution and there in lies our limit. We are in control, but that control is very limited.

We are all proceding towards an inevitable demise. But is that our ultimate destination? No, i do not believe so. There is the question of how long we influence the human race by our current actions. And there is also the issue of evolving, pushing the frontiers. There in lies our destiny.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


First of all not impressed, with the response to my last post. Is that all you v got my friends? Second of all a new topic
I believe that a mentor is a very important person in any man's life. He is the once who incepts ideas into you, makes you want to achieve. How many of you agree? and those of you who have a mentor please do share their information, if you could.
I for one have a lot of mentors, mentoring my various qualities. Example:
Paramacharya Shankaracharya
Newton, Albert Einstien, Stephen Hawkings
Alfred Marshall, J M Keynes, Amartya Sen
Cho Ramaswamy and Gurumurthy
Sekar Sir and B Saravana Prasath
MP Vijaykumar
G Saimukundhan (The bold tag intended)
Subramanya Swamy

That s about it. Those who know me will understand why they are my mentors because these people influence my every action and word. For the others, kindly research.

And once again @ All do share your comments on my statement and also your mentor / mentor list.