Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In Relativity lies the secret..

Recently a great friend and mentor gave me a new perspective of life....

I swore when i started posting that i would not dwell on any philosophy.. i have already been boring a lot of people around me with that

But a lot has been happening around me recently.. a lot of whining going on that i had to come up with this one... hope it reaches its destination....

The relativity....
All those who think what happens at home or at workplace or society in general is sheer hell..

Then what do you say about those who are not given an opportunity of redeeming themselves from the hell they have been borne into... the constant grind of slavery, of torture, of terror, of exploitation... where you are not allowed to let yourself imagine a better tomorrow, than what it was today.. where you are not given a choice to let yourself to the world in all its splendor and beauty.. where you wake up everyday only to be someone else's meal.... where you are fed up of so many injuries that you would rather take a walk down the plank and descend to hell and oblivion rather than take another second of this life.. where u have lost the will to stand up for yourself, where your mind is forever fortified by a wall of paranoia and has lost the gift of imagination or choice .....

If you are in such hell, then complain.. because in every other situation you have the right and privilege of choice. The choice to be happy, to pursue your happiness..

Do you still think that you are worse off?? Kind of funny na... Every man thinks he is the most unlucky person in the world, doomed to suffer..
you are that way only because you think so.. do you not have it within you to break the shackles and flood your worries with sheer effort..

Have humans become so weak in thought have they do not have the audacity to go ahead and do what they want? Do not let yourself be that weakling who has the choice yet will not stand up for his own self.. for his own happiness..

Is your brain so washed up or are you so mediocre that you would rather do what society says than what YOU want to do. Get yourself out a there and put yourself in the track where you are doing what you want to do.. If you do not have the guts to do this please do not whine... do not complain... do not swear... at others .. look rather within yourself and judge.. you would either be happy the next day or would have rid this world of another complaint, another excuse for a human being...


  1. "Blog" does funny things to you. You become a poet, you ramble a lot about philosophy, we communicate whatever runs in our mind, which one would normally not utter openly.

    Another funny aspect about philosophy is that it never bores to the speaker! Though the listeners (the perceived ones) would have a different story to tell.

  2. Well, I for one didn't get bored. I'm quite a lot to be blamed for boring the 'perceived listeners'.

    And Well Prabhu, complaining, as against whining, can be quite cathartic, and can also make one look at problems from a different perspective, and not to forget insights offered by the one to who we go and complain.

